Is Your Boat Protected
If you own a boat or yacht chances are you go through long periods of time without using your asset. With new yachts costing substantial amounts of money it's only logical that you are wishing to protect it from theft. Using a boat GPS boat tracker you can not only keep a watchful eye on your boat but also look back on previous journeys following old routes. Back2you works alongside multiple boat rental businesses. Our boat tracking systems are fantastic for rental companies, if your boats are contracted to only go out for a certain length of time and a certain distance, then our live real time tracker is perfect. Using our online tracking server you can see current locations, 3 years worth of history and set up alerts such as speed and geo-fence. We have trackers that work perfectly on other vehicles such as jet skis, canal boats and hovercraft's.Real Time Boat & Yacht Tracker
The Real Time Boat & Yacht Tracker is our finest boating tracking device. Using state of the art tracking technology you are able to receive full historical data, providing a little peace of mind when it comes to protecting your boat. If the tracker starts to move from its mooring you'll receive an instant notification. To view the tracker you would simply go on to our website on on our app. On there you have access to a multitude of features. One Feature that might be especially useful is the geo-fencing function. This allows you to mark certain areas on the map. If the vehicle enters or leaves that area you will receive an alert. If you are renting the boat out then you can make sure its staying within that zone.Infinity Magnetic GPS Tracker
If you're looking for a GPS boat tracker without any wiring then the Infinity Magnetic GPS Tracker might be a good alternative. Perhaps you're fitting the tracker to a small jet ski or if connecting to the battery is an issue then you may choose a rechargeable tracking device. The reason why this is such an excellent alternative is because of its long 12 month battery life. This units also work on our online live tracking server. If your not wanting a wired device, perhaps switching between boats, then this is a brilliant piece of kit.Guardian Magnetic GPS Tracker
The Guardian Magnetic GPS Tracker is another alternative covert tracker. Unlike the previous trackers this tracker uses a text message system to inform you of your vehicles whereabouts as well as full alerting technology. To receive its location you would simply give the unit a call; the unit will then reply with a link to google maps of its precise locations. The same goes with its alerts. When the unit senses shocks or movement it will send yourself an alert as well as its location. With an impressive 3 month rechargeable battery life this is ideal for just storing away. Should you prefer, the unit does coming with full wiring.
If you're looking for a tracker with specific functions or have a fleet of yachts, please feel free to get in touch and we can discuss how Back2you can help you.